

I have officially lost my phone.


My Address Here

Sarah Ruiz
c/o Quinton Redcliffe
Lovers Walk, Lower Campus
University of Cape Town
Private Bag
Rondebosch, 7701
South Africa

yeah, pretty intense...


First Day of Classes!

So my schedule of classes looks like this so far:

The classes are divided into lectures and tutorials. I've only gone to my politics classes today because the anthro class is Tuesday through Thursday. I guess we sign up for tutorials later on, because I've only gotten one so far. But they start either next week or the week after anyway.

It was cold today. The classes aren't too different. The biggest one was around 60 or so students, which was interesting because the professor said 140 students had registered into it at the beginning of the year.

I got a doughnut today from one of the food places on campus. SO GOOD.

Now playing: Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
via FoxyTunes



Now playing: Sigur Rós - Flugufrelsarinn
via FoxyTunes

Tampons are tiny here

I have been sitting inside this weekend and working on stuff/watching LOTR b/c it's awesome.

The second roommate got back yesterday. His name is Mapamba and he's also Zimbabwean.

CLASSES TOMORROW!!!! *jumps up and down like a stupid fangirl*