
I'm counting down to the 9th

Uh oh, went to Spar today! I've been craving pasta, so I got enough food to last me four more days.
Last night was the one year anniversary party of 33 South, and I didn't feel like socializing so I sat in my (empty) room and listened to a Harry Potter audiobook and drew patterns on a notepad. I felt distinctly like my mom and Lizzy rolled into one. Including the anti-social behavior. ;_D

When I woke up (at 1am b/c of party noise) my throat hurt, but since I don't own pajamas I didn't want to get up and get water and go through the hassle of putting on clothes. I woke up again at 3:50 and dozed on and off for another hour or so while one of the guests (belligerent drunk) demanded his car keys after the owners of the hostel had locked them away. It was more amusing than annoying because by then I'd gotten at least six hours of sleep and had trouble staying in bed until 8am, when the entire house woke up ( a good two hours after they usually did ).

The rest of my day was boring enough, but I finished the audiobook, bought some more books (I know, I'm ridiculous) and got some good, cheap (R33!) red wine for dinner. Now I'm going to go make it.
One more day down.




I'm staying in Observatory for the rest of my time in Cape Town. There's a festival on the street one block up this weekend, so it might be a little loud during the day. I'm okay with that--it does suck waking up at 6am because people are talking loudly outside. Why am I such a light sleeper these days? It's ridiculous.

Most of you are already aware that my phone was stolen for the second time on this trip. I'm still beating myself up about it, because the dorm was empy when I left my phone (and Claire's) on my bed and went into the reception area to take advantage of the free internet. After two hours of talking on Facebook chat, I came back and tore apart my room trying to find the phones. While the door was locked when I left it, one of the employees had let a potential guest into the room to see it and the phone had rang so she ran into the other room to answer it, giving the guy just enough time to snag the first thing he could see. I'm just glad my iPod and camera were in the safe at the time. That would have SUCKED. As it is, I just can't contact Mappie and Smiley and Tristan and Robyn later this week....
Email it is. Sad.

I'm actually in an internet cafe right now, as the free internet is very slow and I was hoping to do a few other things (like get on aim, which is not working right now) but so far have failed to get anything done. I'm trying to catch up on the news, but I can't tell what's happened in the States other than boo hoo recession. Which is bad, of course, but not terribly interesting to me. Not until there's absolutely no business at the restaurant this winter and I have no way of recouping the cost of being here.

I've been doing a lot of shopping at the craft markets. I now own way too much jewelry.

My grades have arrived--looks like I pulled off more As than in the past, but it bothers me that the class I worked the hardest in was the lowest grade. :(

There's a party tonight at the backpackers (I'm at 33 South) as it's their one year anniversary. Pretty cool. I'm not sure how I feel about drinking as I'm still feeling the wine tour. Plus I'm not a fan of anything they bought for it (Black Label, Hunters Dry, cheap wine). Maybe I'll go for the tequila.

As for planning the rest of my time here, I need to take pictures of things, and I want to go back to the Old Biscuit Mill. At some point I should sit down and write out all my adventures before I forget (like I did in Peru).


Rise from the dead

I have returned!

I am back in Cape Town now! w00t!

Here's an outline of what I've done the past three weeks:

week 1 (middle of November)

finals are over, I am bored with life, I refuse to finish things that I need to do
computer breaks. I am VERY BORED
I struggle packing my room and my flatmates (and Robyn) save my life helping me get out the door in time to catch my flight. I leave for Joburg on the 13th, and then leave for the safari on the 14th (Friday).

week 2

safari! (not really, more driving and seeing the occasional elephant on the side of the road in Bots)
meet interesting and uninteresting people. it is fun
I am not quite sick of Claire yet
trip ends and we lament about how far away the airport is from everything else in joburg.
we fly to Port Elizabeth (henceforth known as PE) on Monday morning

week 3

Garden Route! We do the beach all of one day, spend way too much time wandering around and finding lunch that's within our budget (I stayed under $7 a day on food!). I got sick in Knysna, and I think I'm lactose intolerant. I plan on making appt with a doctor (you win, Mom) once Claire leaves.

week 4

I've been traveling too long! Claire is getting on my nerves a little (but she thinks we'll never see each other again, which is SAD) because she's sad about leaving and is complaining a lot. She'll probably read this eventually, so I should mention that she doesn't want to leave Africa. However, I do. This backpackers on Long Street is LOUD b/c it's outside all the clubs. UGh. I am going to stay at 33 South instead. It's in Observatory (which is the next suburb over from Mowbray). I plan on doing NOTHING the rest of my time here. There's a pretty bead store I want to go to. :_D
Except for the fact that I get to see Carrie soon soon soon! I'd like to leave soon too. I want to have a base again. I doubt I could ever travel for too long. It's a sad though.

Heh, the shortest week has the most written about it. It's Monday too.

I miss Pomona and I miss NC and most of all I miss all the people I haven't seen for a long long time, so hello to you all, and if you still haven't gotten a postcard LET ME KNOW (i have a week left here). :_D