
Rise from the dead

I have returned!

I am back in Cape Town now! w00t!

Here's an outline of what I've done the past three weeks:

week 1 (middle of November)

finals are over, I am bored with life, I refuse to finish things that I need to do
computer breaks. I am VERY BORED
I struggle packing my room and my flatmates (and Robyn) save my life helping me get out the door in time to catch my flight. I leave for Joburg on the 13th, and then leave for the safari on the 14th (Friday).

week 2

safari! (not really, more driving and seeing the occasional elephant on the side of the road in Bots)
meet interesting and uninteresting people. it is fun
I am not quite sick of Claire yet
trip ends and we lament about how far away the airport is from everything else in joburg.
we fly to Port Elizabeth (henceforth known as PE) on Monday morning

week 3

Garden Route! We do the beach all of one day, spend way too much time wandering around and finding lunch that's within our budget (I stayed under $7 a day on food!). I got sick in Knysna, and I think I'm lactose intolerant. I plan on making appt with a doctor (you win, Mom) once Claire leaves.

week 4

I've been traveling too long! Claire is getting on my nerves a little (but she thinks we'll never see each other again, which is SAD) because she's sad about leaving and is complaining a lot. She'll probably read this eventually, so I should mention that she doesn't want to leave Africa. However, I do. This backpackers on Long Street is LOUD b/c it's outside all the clubs. UGh. I am going to stay at 33 South instead. It's in Observatory (which is the next suburb over from Mowbray). I plan on doing NOTHING the rest of my time here. There's a pretty bead store I want to go to. :_D
Except for the fact that I get to see Carrie soon soon soon! I'd like to leave soon too. I want to have a base again. I doubt I could ever travel for too long. It's a sad though.

Heh, the shortest week has the most written about it. It's Monday too.

I miss Pomona and I miss NC and most of all I miss all the people I haven't seen for a long long time, so hello to you all, and if you still haven't gotten a postcard LET ME KNOW (i have a week left here). :_D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm..Staying in Observatory...
"Obz Festival 2008
Fri 5th, Sat 6th, Sun 7th December
The biggest street festival in South Africa..." http://www.obzfestival.com/
Sounds like fun!!
Love Mom