
Why so serious?

I've been too lazy to bring up this link and tell you guys about what's going on. When was my last post?

Went to Cavendish and got more warm stuff. Now all I have to do is start checking the goddamn weather before I leave in the morning (it rained today :( ). Then I watched some movie in the afternoon and went to bed....probably...

Went with a group of people from various residences down to Fish Hook, a beach on the....I dunno what side of Cape Town...ocean side. We had lunch and took funny pictures. It was fun.

Woke up late and read/took notes all day. I probably watched a movie or something, but I can't remember.

Had class 9am to 5pm. Five hours. Was late (<5minutes) for every tutorial. So fun. Attempted to cook with meat for dinner.

Had class noon to 5pm. Walked down from campus to Pick and Pay, went grocery shopping, walked to Alma Road house and met up with Dawn (from Pomona), Ruth (she goes to Oxy), and Ken, the SOLmate who lives in the house with them. We walked to Cavendish to see Batman at around 8pm. BATMAN RULES THE WORLD. Then took a taxi back.

Today (Wednesday, for those of you keeping track)
Class from 9am to 5pm. Three hours. Alarm didn't go off, was almost late for tutorial because I didn't know where it was. Rain. Took Jammie back for shower b/c omg shower. People came to fumigate the beds. Wtf mate. Went back to campus for second class. Talked to Dawn and Evan (Arizona State) about spring break plans. Tried to rope Sally (also Pomona) into it. Think it worked. Felt sick from sandwich while doing reading for last class. Went to last class. Took Jammie back. Found out milk is spoiled. Am out of milk. Made peanut butter sandwich and banana on the side. Turned on computer...

And thus the week drew to a close. Tomorrow I only have two hours of class (after 2) but I do have a big assignment that I need to get started on. I have SO MUCH WORK this semester.

Oh well.

Now playing: Billy Ocean - Caribbean Queen
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's Jammie?