
I finally found a fifty cent piece!

The way the internet works is this:

There are three routers on each side of the dorm (apparently). We connect via the wifi and have to buy credits in order to access the internet. It's calculated by megabyte, essentially equaling out to R.30 per megabyte. It feels like I've been using a lot of credits, but I paid $77 for internet as it's discounted the more you buy, and I've only spent a couple dollars of the credit. Kinda nice. Facebook eats up megs, as does looking at pictures. Video is out of the question.

I miss Family Guy and regret not downloading all the seasons. Poor judgement.

I'm currently charging my camera battery so I can take pictures of the flat.

Now playing: Darren Hayes - The Sun Is Always Blinding Me
via FoxyTunes

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